Some Images


A lot of people watched the democratic convention tonight.

A lot of people are following the election and were inspired by Michelle Obama’s recent speech. Not me. I didn’t see any of it. It’s not that I don’t care, but I am increasingly disengaged from politics. I’ve found other things to believe in that make a difference. I guess I am radical/apolitical. Also, we don’t have a television or high speed internet.


Tonight I ate pizza and drank beer with a group of friends after an incredibly fun day at the beach. I’ve fallen in love with boogie boarding with a blow up surf mat. I rode home at dusk in the back of a pick up truck, sitting on top of the surf mat. Emilio, from inside the cab, joked as we drove home: “this car surfs on the waves.” Now at home, I am sunburned and tipsy, and I feel like sharing some images. 


These are some photos I took in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Lucas and I went here on vacation seven years ago. It was our first vacation. It was here that I discovered how to enjoy a vacation. The key is the two beer lunch. I also melted into a mermaid by basically living in the warm water of the Carribean.