Come Forward with Your Art
Come forward with your art,
come share the truth of your decay,
your ultimate humility.
come forward with your art,
with your seed gifts
which sacrifice ego
and amplify soul.
The only real sin is
being un-whole. Unholy.
a bird
with out a wing.
Come forward with your art,
I will bless you
with bubbles
and manifest your heart
into its proper dimension.
Come forward with your art,
and feel how big you can be.
Just how much space
a soul is
when laid out
against the world.
Come forward, my love,
with your art,
and experience
the rebirth of time.
Come forward with your art,
and you will learn
(from scratch)
how to
become one.
It is the mind that disappears
when we awaken to our thousand
mysterious destinies.
Come forward with your art,
and you will look your most secret
most dangerous
in the face
and feel your unfathomable
darkness grow
into veins
of gold.
Extending you outwards,
tree branches
fed by the ground and the sky.
And here, as golden tree,
your rootedness meets its celestial mirror.
And oneness is felt
as one tiny speck
in the center of it all.
This speck—-
this is your he(art).
I will meet you there.