Cowboy Photoshoot

Last week Mio came into the house out of breath.

Mio: Can I have a special present?

Parents: What for? For what occasion?

Mio: Just because I want one.

Lucas: That's not a very good reason. What if I just asked you for a special present?

Mio: Okay, I would give you one. What do you want?

Lucas: (thinks for a moment) What I really would love is for you to put on the black cowboy hat I got for you at the Segunda (thrift store), jeans and cowboy boots and to let me take pictures of you.

Mio: (who usually resists us when we want to take photos of him) Okay. (And he never even asked for something in return.)

Mio promptly got dressed into his cowboy outfit, and posed very cooperatively for Lucas for twenty minutes. I came out with my camera to get another angle on the momentous occasion. Ping, our dog (who was imported, not by us, from Taiwan) was drawn in to the photo shoot as well, but he forgot his cowdog hat.