Don't take my word for it.

Check out these true stories from students who have taken my creativity courses & challenges.


With Zoë, I have begun a beautiful journey of intimacy with ALL of Me.
- Maria


Testimonial: Maria Bell, Puente de Milagros

"I am so grateful to Zoë Dearborn. Her creative work and shared practices have had a tremendous impact in leading me along my journey to self-discovery, self-expansion and self-love.  With Zoë's prompting through her creative work, in Art Journal Lab and through music and movement in your Dance Lab,  I have opened doors in my life and in my psyche that I would have otherwise left closed. Zoë doesn’t just teach what it means to ‘OPEN’, she guides you into allowing and discovering what is on the other side, which ultimately is discovering and LOVING the shit out of our Selves. ALL of them! With Zoë, I have begun a beautiful journey of intimacy with ALL of Me.

Thank you Zoë for sharing all that is beautifully, uniquely and fucking brilliantly YOU!! Thank you for Dreaming and Believing and Loving BIG and for showing me that mischief makes this crazy ride of a life a lot sweeter. I love your motto: "Heal the Individual; evolve the collective." That is exactly what you are doing! Mil Gracias!"

My art has flourished, my heart has opened, my journal is full of keep sakes and art and quotes.  And best of all I write for myself every day, and appreciate myself and my creativity.
- Lona
Through Zoë’s prompts I have been able to deeply connect with my subconscious on a level I have never been able to grab on my own journaling journey.
- Emily
Zoë is a creative catalyst! Her guidance has been honestly life-changing for me.
- Leah


Testimonial: Lona Fay Feldman

"Monday March 4th, 2013 was my first encounter with a world totally unknown to me.  I attended Zoë's Journaling in Todos Santos.  She wanted me to make a list: Self Care For Lona Faye.  She asked me to write about: Who am I and where will the rest of my life lead me?  We closed our eyes and listened to all the sounds we could identify, meditated, and best of all, created art.  I have never missed a class since.  Five years later I am a different person and oh so much more.  My art has flourished, my heart has opened, my journal is full of keep sakes and art and quotes.  And best of all I write for myself every day, and appreciate myself and my creativity.  There is a lot more to journaling than "just the facts", .....I have even taken up the violin. Thank you Zoe.  I love you."





Testimonial: Emily Gable


Testimonial: Leah


"I participated in a 30-day art journal challenge facilitated online by the extraordinary Zoë, and it was probably the most profound creative and therapeutic experience I've ever had.  Every day she offered a new prompt for us to use in our journalling, and each prompt was challenging and thoughtful, building on the days before.  I found myself exploring a new expressive medium.  I'd always thought of myself as a writer, but in the month I spent in her journal group, I began to draw every day.  This was completely unexpected, but Zoë helped me to take the risk and get in touch with a whole new part of myself.

I felt that I could fully trust Zoë with my journey; she has a genuinely rare gift for encouraging (always with great care and kindness) honest self-reflection and self-insight.   Her questions and comments on our process often led me to a new level of clarity, and she offered real support for moments of anxiety or self-doubt (and I did have some of those!).  She created a safe place, where I felt free to share the pages of a very personal art journal.  The give-and-take in the group was, through Zoë's example, so generous and joyful.  Zoë is a creative catalyst! Her guidance has been honestly life-changing for me."